Monday, August 17, 2009

Albertsons Kraft Promo and Walgreens

Wipes at Walgreen's are 2.67 they have a booklet at the front for back to school that has 2.00 coupons in them. Since Walgreen's allows you to stack a manufacturer coupon with a in-store coupons it makes these wipes REALLY CHEAP!

2 wipes (2.00 in store coupon)(.75/1 coupon) I paid .04 a box
2 Bic Pens(1.00
Total Spent =.79
Total Saved = 8.79

Walgreens Again
4 Wipes (used a 2.00 in store coupon)(used a .50/1 coupon)
3 candles (Last week coupons they had a free candle coupon)
1 Soft soap 3.99

Total Spent =6.29
Total Saved=13.29
I also got a 4.00 RR for the body wash!!

Albertsons Kraft Promo
7 Capri sun
2 Teddy Grahams(coupons found in Kraft booklet)
4 Cheese

Total Spent 13.50
Total Saved 26.50

I got a 5.00 catalina and I will get a 20.00 rebate check back!! Free groceries!

Albertsons AGAIN!!
Total Spent $14.57
Total Saved 27.83

Again another 5.00 catalina and I will receive another 20.00 rebate check!

Albertsons 08/17/2009
Juicy Juice on sale for 2/4. There were 1.00/1 coupons found in 8/9 Smartsource
Use 3 doublers per transaction
Toothpaste on sale for 10/10 (1.00 off coupon in the newspaper a week or two ago!

Total Spent =.54
Total Saved= 23.51


  1. You are so good at couponing! Thanks for the Walgreens wipes tip. They are cheap with that $2 off coupon. I was wondering how you get more than one coupon from the newspaper like the juicy juice ones? Do you order several newspapers? I think I could save a lot more if I had more than one of each manufacturer coupon. Just wondering. Thanks!

  2. Thanks! It takes lots of practice! I do get multiple papers! If they are good coupons then I will grab 7! I get one sent to my door and the rest I pick up where ever!!
